Hello there!
I'm a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator and songwriter based in Ghent, Belgium.
My given name is Klaas De Loose but I am also known by the nickname 'Ruzd'.
Monster Match is my one-man creative studio founded in 2020.
My core occupation are the fields just mentioned but I've been busy in many forms of art and creative processes.
I'm driven by curiosity and a non-stoppable hunger for learning combined with a passion for art and expression with a focus on ambience, spirit and style.
I'm a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator and songwriter based in Ghent, Belgium.
My given name is Klaas De Loose but I am also known by the nickname 'Ruzd'.
Monster Match is my one-man creative studio founded in 2020.
My core occupation are the fields just mentioned but I've been busy in many forms of art and creative processes.
I'm driven by curiosity and a non-stoppable hunger for learning combined with a passion for art and expression with a focus on ambience, spirit and style.
I'd love to work with you. I'm always looking for opportunities and new collaborations. If you want to hire me, offer me a job or just to say hello, you can send me an email at klaas.deloose@gmail.com or just use the contact Download CV in Dutch form below.
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Thank you!